Demo Keycloak for Testing

These setup instructions cover how to install the Bytewax Platform with a demonstration Keycloak installation. These instructions should only be used to configure the Bytewax Platform for development or demonstration purposes.

Please note- the example configuration of Keycloak provided here should be considered insecure and NOT INTENDED for use in production.


Before deploying, create a values.yaml file with the following contents verbatim:

cat << EOF > ../values.yaml
  authIssuer: "http://bytewax-platform-demokeycloak.bytewax-system.svc.cluster.local:8880/realms/bytewax"
  clientId: "bytewax-platform"
  clientSecret: "**********"

  enabled: true

In order to access the Bytewax Platform using port-forwarding, we'll need to add an entry our hosts file:

echo " bytewax-platform-demokeycloak.bytewax-system.svc.cluster.local" >> /etc/hosts

Now that we have our values configured and our hostname set, we can deploy the platform.

helm upgrade --install bytewax-platform ./platform -nbytewax-system -f ./values.yaml

Accessing the cluster

First, we'll need to establish some port forwarding that will allow us to access the cluster via the dashboard, and to communicate with it via waxctl.

Terminal 1

kubectl port-forward svc/bytewax-platform-waxapi 8080

Terminal 2

kubectl port-forward svc/bytewax-platform-demokeycloak 8880

Terminal 3

kubectl port-forward svc/bytewax-platform-dashboard 3000

Connect to http://localhost:3000 in your web browser and use these credentials to log in:

Username: bytewax
Password: bytewax

Keycloak will ask you to change the password the first time you log in.

Important Notes

This Keycloak installation is deployed in development mode and isn't storing any information in a Persistent Volume on the Kubernetes cluster.

If the Keycloak container re-starts, the password set to bytewax user will be bytewax again and Keycloak will ask you to change it again.