AWS Marketplace Installation Running on any Kubernetes Cluster
This guide covers the basic process of installing the Bytewax Platform on Amazon EKS Anywhere, which allows you to purchase a license through Amazon, and run the Platform on any Kubernetes cluster. If you are looking to run The Platform on Amazon EKS, please see the AWS Marketplace running on EKS Documentation.
You must have purchased a subscription for the Bytewax Platform in the AWS Marketplace otherwise the automation from this setup will fail with a missing entitlement error.
To install the Bytewax Platform, you'll need to have the following tools installed:
- Set local environment variables with the values obtained from the AWS Marketplace subscription wizard:
- Create the Bytewax Platform namespace in your Kubernetes cluster:
This naming convention will be used throughout, if you modify it, you will need to modify many of the commands in order for things to work
kubectl create namespace bytewax-system
- Create Kubernetes secret needed to check AWS Marketplace subscription:
kubectl create secret generic awsmp-license-token-secret \
--from-literal=license_token=$AWSMP_TOKEN \
--from-literal=iam_role=$AWSMP_ROLE_ARN \
--namespace bytewax-system
- Create the Kubernetes secret needed to pull Bytewax Platform docker images.
You need an authenticated session with AWS in your terminal to run the following awscli
First, let's retrieve our AWS License manager access token.
AWSMP_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(aws license-manager get-access-token \
--output text --query '*' --token $AWSMP_TOKEN --region us-east-1)
With that token, we can fetch AWS role credentials that we'll use in our cluster.
AWSMP_ROLE_CREDENTIALS=$(aws sts assume-role-with-web-identity \
--region 'us-east-1' \
--role-arn $AWSMP_ROLE_ARN \
--role-session-name 'AWSMP-guided-deployment-session' \
--web-identity-token $AWSMP_ACCESS_TOKEN \
--query 'Credentials' \
--output text)
AWS will return an Access Key ID, a Secret Access Key, and a Session token together in the last call. We can break those out into their own environment variables with the following commands:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(echo $AWSMP_ROLE_CREDENTIALS | awk '{print $1}' | xargs)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(echo $AWSMP_ROLE_CREDENTIALS | awk '{print $3}' | xargs)
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=$(echo $AWSMP_ROLE_CREDENTIALS | awk '{print $4}' | xargs)
The following command will create a secret in Kubernetes that can be used to pull the required Bytewax container images from the AWS registry.
kubectl create secret docker-registry awsmp-image-pull-secret \ \
--docker-username=AWS \
--docker-password=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1) \
--namespace bytewax-system
Those credentials expire in a few hours. If you need to reinstall the Bytewax
Platform, and for some reason Kubernetes needs to pull the images again
(e.g. running a pod in a different node), you will need to delete the Secret
and repeat the commands of the step 4 to have
active docker credentials.
- Bytewax Platform Helm Chart setup
Now that we have our environment prepared, we can prepare the Bytewax Platform Helm chart for installation.
First, we'll create a new directory for the Bytewax Platform Helm chart.
mkdir awsmp-chart
cd awsmp-chart
Next, we'll need to authenticate to the AWS registry:
aws ecr get-login-password \
--region us-east-1 | helm registry login \
--username AWS \
Now that we're authenticated, we can download the chart with helm pull
helm pull oci:// --version 0.2.1
Extract the downloaded helm chart archive with the following command: If you do not have tar available, you will have to use another method to extract and the delete the compressed directory
tar xf $(pwd)/* && find $(pwd) -maxdepth 1 -type f -delete
Create helm chart values file values.yaml
with the desired configuration in the same directory of awsmp-chart
For installations of the Bytewax Helm chart in EKS Anywhere, we need to add the following values to values.yaml
licenseConfigSecretName: awsmp-license-token-secret
The values.yaml contains additional configuration options that are needed to deploy the Bytewax Platform helm chart. To learn more about available configuration options, please check here.
- Deploy Bytewax Platform
Now that we've configured our helm chart installation, we can proceed with installing it. This
command should be run from the awsmp-chart
helm upgrade --install bytewax-platform ./platform -n bytewax-system -f ./values.yaml
If you have issues with the helm chart installation, double check that your AWS access is configured correctly.